About Me

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I am a Solitary Pagan mother of one. I started my path as a teen and have continued to learn and grow as I age. Now in my early thirties I finally start to feel as if I am finding myself. I am a modest, head covering (veiling) Pagan. Who recently just started this practices. I feel that I have finally really started to listen and hear the Gods and Goddesses call. Please remember there is no right path, just the path that is right for you. )0( Blessings

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blue Moon tonight August 20th

That's right folks tonight is a Blue Moon. Well it's not really blue, and it gets a bit confusing as This is the first full moon of August. Technically it is a Blue Moon.
From Space.com
"When the moon rises Tuesday night (Aug. 20), it brings us the August full moon and in addition, it will also technically be a "Blue Moon."
"But wait a minute," you may ask. "Isn't a Blue Moon defined as the second full moon that occurs during a calendar month? Tuesday’s full moon will be the only full moon of August 2013. So how can we call it a 'Blue' moon?" find out at http://www.space.com/22404-blue-moon-science-august-full-moon.html

F.Y.I   A full moon is a good time to do rituals surrounding letting go!!!!

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