About Me

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I am a Solitary Pagan mother of one. I started my path as a teen and have continued to learn and grow as I age. Now in my early thirties I finally start to feel as if I am finding myself. I am a modest, head covering (veiling) Pagan. Who recently just started this practices. I feel that I have finally really started to listen and hear the Gods and Goddesses call. Please remember there is no right path, just the path that is right for you. )0( Blessings

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What is an Eclectic Pagan?


selecting or choosing from various sources.
made up of what is selected from different sources.
not following any one system, as of philosophy, medicine, etc., but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems.
noting or pertaining to works of architecture, decoration, landscaping, etc., produced by a certain person or during a certain period, that derive from a wide range of historic styles, the style in each instance often being chosen for its fancied appropriateness to local tradition, local geography, the purpose to be served, or the cultural background of the client.
Also, ec·lec·ti·cist   . a person who follows an eclectic method, as in philosophy or architecture.


a 20th-century revival of interest in the worship of nature, fertility, etc., as represented by various deities.
Also, Ne·o-Pa·gan·ism. 
If you look just Pagan up in the dictionary it gives several meanings that don't really relate to what most Pagans are such as Godless, or a person who is uncivilized which just is not true when talking about Paganism. So neo-paganism is basically the up to date term.

So that's all fine and good but what in the world does it mean??? Well pretty much what is sounds like an Eclectic Pagan does not follow "one" Path such as Celtic or Druidism, or Fairy.  So as an Eclectic Pagan I find bits from each and make it my own. You have to feel comfortable with your spirituality and most Pagan's have done this through out history you take a piece from here or a piece from there and make it work for you. That is the great thing about Paganism is that yes there are not necessarily rules per say, but a code of ethics that most Pagan's take as truth such as "harm none". So most people's paths especially those of a Solitary Pagan are pretty Eclectic. Now just like in any religion, or spiritual practice you will come across people who say no it absolutely has to be done this way. There is no point in getting into an argument about it. Just smile and move on. 
    You have to find ritual's and a way of doing things that work for you! I have said it before and I will say it again. There is no right path, just the path that is right for you!!!! The God's and Goddess's are not going to be mad at you if you don't put a candle on the alter in the so called "right" place. Being Eclectic means that you may hear about something, wish to learn and study it, decide that it feels right in your soul so you incorporate into your practice that is fine. Don't sweat it! 
  Follow your heart and you will find the Path that is right for you, whether it be Eclectic, Druid, Celtic, Norse, Greek, Wiccan, Fairy or the many many more out there. 
  Study, learn and it will come.
Have a Blessed Day!!! )0( 

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