I have a daughter she is the greatest joy in my life, and the best
thing that has ever happened. I look around the world and I am sure like most
parents I worry. I worry for her being a women, I worry for her future, I
just plain worry. Raising a child is difficult, raising a daughter seems
even harder. I look at commercials, and the way girls dress, and I
wonder what ever happened to kids just being kids? What happened to
letting little girls, be little girls and not trying to turn them into
women to soon. I look at girls sitting well others play because they
don't want to ruin there nail polish or they can't play in there fancy
shoes. I look around and see short, shorts, and dresses.
Maybe I am old fashioned and I guess that is okay, but doesn't seem to
fit into the "times". I want my daughter to still play with her dolls
and not be told she is a baby for doing so. To get dirty, and not have
to worry about adult problems. I want to raise my daughter to not be
like me, but better then me. To be strong, knowledgeable, smart,
compassionate, kind, but to know that she doesn't have to take crap. To
know that it is more important who you are on the inside, then what you
look like on the outside. That your weight, hair, features, teeth don't
determine who you are. That you don't have to dress provocatively and show off your body to be attractive. I want her to get through life with out knowing
the fear of abuse. I want her to keep her sense of humor and know that
in life sometimes that is all there is to keep you going. I want her to
grow and forget the pains of poverty, but to understand that money can
make things easier but doesn't make you happy. To know true love, and
have passion for life. I want to guide her and raise her to have enough
strength to decide who she wants to be, and not be who the world thinks
she should be. Most important I want her to know that home will always
be her soft place to land, no matter her age.
The Solitary Eclectic Pagan is my ramblings, some education, and hopefully fun. Check out my other Blog A Head Covering and Prayer a Day My journey http://paganheadcoveringadayandprayeraday.blogspot.ca
About Me

- Tracy
- I am a Solitary Pagan mother of one. I started my path as a teen and have continued to learn and grow as I age. Now in my early thirties I finally start to feel as if I am finding myself. I am a modest, head covering (veiling) Pagan. Who recently just started this practices. I feel that I have finally really started to listen and hear the Gods and Goddesses call. Please remember there is no right path, just the path that is right for you. )0( Blessings
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